Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Brave New World Discussion Topics

Block Days 11-7 and 11-8

1. In what year does the story take place?
Let's do the MATH to find out what that means by OUR calendar!

2. How were people made? How did they make "Alphas" different from "Betas", etc?

3. How were people taught?

4. What do YOU THINK it means to be human?
Would you classify the life created in the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Center to be human or not? Explain with COW.

5. What new SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY (relative to 1932 when the book was written AND compared to our world today) is mentioned in the book?

6. What is the role of books in the story?

7. How is the Savage Reservation a FOIL to the World State?

8. How does Huxley describe America? Do the words "savage" and "reservation" give you any indication of his concept of the USA?

9. People that doe not fit into society: Bernard, John, Linda, Lenina, and a minor character Helmholtz.

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