Monday, February 28, 2011


Aristotle's Definition of Tragedy:“Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative; with incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish its katharsis of such emotions. . . . Every Tragedy, therefore, must have six parts, which parts determine its quality—namely, Plot, Characters, Diction, Thought, Spectacle, Melody.”

Further Details

According to Aristotle...a TRAGIC HERO... a man of noble stature not an ordinary man, but a man with outstanding quality and greatness about him
...His own destruction is for a greater cause or principle.

Common characteristics of a tragic hero
According to Aristotle:

1. Usually of noble birth

2. Hamartia – a.k.a. the tragic flaw that eventually leads to his downfall.

3. Peripeteia – a reversal of fortune brought about by the hero’s tragic flaw

4. His actions result in an increase of self- awareness and self-knowledge

5. The audience must feel pity and fear for this character.

Week of Feb. 28th

Monday we had class presentations on Acts 3 and 4. Students were told to start checking for autobiography comments. I'll have all completed by the end of this coming weekend. Final draft due Friday 3-25-11 at 11:59 ( will be due in class 3-25-11.

This week we'll discuss Macbeth and have quizzes on acts 3,4 and 5. No specific reading on reading outside reading...due April 4th (Monday).

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Macbeth and Outside Reading

Next week's Macbeth quiz schedule is on the previous BLOG POST. We finished reading Macbeth this week (due Block Day).THEREFORE...THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO WORK ON READING YOUR OUTSIDE READING BOOK.

The homework suggestion from earlier this week was to take your OR book and look at the number of pages in the book. We looked at a calendar and the due date for the OR Report (not the Annotated resource list part) is April 4th. That was about 40 days. I suggested you divide the number of pages by the number of days you needed to read or by weeks and set small goals. This is the ONLY NON-READING week we'll have until the report is due. It's built in so you get a good start on the book.

The week of March 7th we'll look at Sonnets by Shakespeare.

Monday March 14th we'll have a Macbeth/Shakespeare test. The play itself, poetry and historical context will be covered on the test. Format: Multiple Choice and Essay.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday 2-22-11

Blocks 1 and 2 Read Acts 1 and discussed/read scenes from Act 2. Papers were returned.
Block 4 had time to work on reading Acts 4 and 5 and their OR selection in class.

Due Block Day:
Acts 4/5 Read/Worksheet
Quiz Act 1

Watch BBC Cartoon on GLOG if you wish a visual review (

Act 2 Quiz

Tuesday 3-1-11 Quiz Act 3
Block Day 3/2 or 3/3 Quiz Acts 4 and 5

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week of February 14th ... and beyond

Monday and Tuesday we read aloud and discussed Act 1 in detail...looking at author's writing style, characters and plot. Worksheets were returned. Block day all Act 1 and 2 WS will be returned.

Block Day:
1. We'll finish reading Act 1 in class. There WILL be an Act 1 Quiz on Tuesday 2-22-11.

2. Autobiography Rubric and class notes (family tree too) are due

3. Outside Reading Title needs to be written down on our form.

4. Act 3 WS due in class.

Friday 2-18-11 is a Day Off from Classes. Autobiography Paper Rough Draft is still due - uploaded to by 11:59 PM

Monday 2-21-11 Day Off - President's Day

Block Day 2/23 or 2/24 Acts 4/5 WS due in class.

Macbeth Test Friday 3-4-11.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Monday's class will include a discussion relating to HISTORICAL BACKGROUND. CHECK OUT THE GLOG used in class.

Macbeth Unit Test Friday 2-4-11.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Sports Fans and Baseball Players would appreciate

Week of February 7th...

Monday and Tuesday were the Sophomore Retreat.
In Class: Descriptive Writing and time to read and complete Macbeth WS Act 1
Block Day: PSAT Results passed out by Mrs. Walsh, Work on Vocabulary Book pages 204-208 Critical Reading Skills, Work on paper draft brainstorming.
Friday: Read Macbeth in class

Next week:
Monday Macbeth Act 2 WS due
Block Day: Macbeth Act 3 WS Due, OR Title Chosen, Paper Draft (Autobiography) Rubric turned in
Friday: NO SCHOOL BUT Autobiography Draft due to by MIDNIGHT

Monday 2-21-11 No School also

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Macbeth Reading Assignments

We'll read MACBETH before we act it out/read aloud in class. Each Act has a corresponding worksheet on the Macbeth Page of the website.

AFTER we read the act aloud in class we'll have a lit quiz covering concepts from the act. Macbeth has 5 acts so we'll have 5 literature quizzes while we read the play.

Monday and Tuesday are the sophomore retreat days. You will be given time to read ACT 1 in class the day you are here...or read ahead. Perhaps it would be a good idea to print out the worksheets and bring them to class.

Act 1 Read and complete worksheet BLOCK DAY 2/9- 2/10
Act 2 Read and complete worksheet MONDAY 2-14-11
Act 3 Read and complete worksheet BLOCK DAY 2/16-2/17
Acts 4 and 5 Read and complete worksheet BLOCK DAY 2/23-2/24

Block Day

Today we read pages 6-9 and 20 from the Upfront Magazine from December 13, 2011. We also completed pages 10-11. We discussed this as a class in debate format.

We started to correct pages 204-208 in the vocabulary book.

We started to discuss the autobiography paper.

What is not covered on BLOCK DAY will be completed Friday.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1, 2011 begins SEMESTER 2

Today we discussed important dates for the semester and recycled the vocabulary pages from our binder. ALL other papers from first semester are to be kept.

Assignment #1(if not completed in class) VOCABULARY Book pages 204-208
Assignment #2 Read on the papers Page of the Website...the details about Autobiography paper. We'll start it tomorrow in class.

Autobiography Paper ROUGH DRAFT due uploaded (by MIDNIGHT) to by 2-18-11. Rubric to be given to me in class on 2-18-11.

Outside Reading Biography MUST be chosen by 2-18-11.