Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The Theme - capture

Photographs are a way to capture a moment in time, but they leave many questions unanswered. Where was the photo taken? Who are the people? What is happening? Descriptive writing, however, can provide a reader with a more complete picture. The writer crafts a story and invites the reader to experience the moment through rich imagery.

The theme for the 2011 VSA Call for Writing is capture, which invites you to create a short work of fiction, nonfiction, or poetry that captures a moment in time. Your writing will create the most complete description possible of the moment, providing the reader with a written snapshot.

Consider describing a significant time or event in your life by focusing on what you could see, hear, smell, or touch. Provide details so that the reader can better understand the moment. You may also approach the theme by capturing a scene from your imagination. Through vivid descriptions, your written snapshot should draw the reader into the world you have created.

Submissions will be judged on creativity, technical proficiency, adherence to the theme, and presence of personal style and vision.

The submissions MUST be final draft ready...I will help you if you wish to come in and get assistance before the due date.

The entry form will be attached the the HOME PAGE of the class website.

+10 Bonus points (paper grade) for completing the writing assignment and entry form by Tuesday 11-30-10 ... and bring it to me before school...no later than 7:30. The entries are due 12-1-10 and I'll need the day to organize and mail out. Bonus points do not apply if not turned in by the 7:30 am 11-30-10 deadline...with the entry form attached. The entry form requires a parent signature.

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