Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Block Day ... Last one for the school year

Wednesday Blocks 4 and 6:

Papers were passed back

Discussed what it meant to be human and how that related to THE CREATURE in Frankenstein and the life created in Brave New World. Discussed ANIMAL characteristics the creature possessed. Discussed ROLE OF PARENTS/PARENTAL FIGURES in development.

Discussed Figurative Language in Poems..."Sleep" and "The Black Land"

Thursday Block1
Discussed "The Black Land" poem and topics from above.
Papers returned
Worked on metaphors
Block 3: (I left at 11:25)
Papers Returned
Poetry discussion based on Metaphors / Similes as well as Tone and Mood
Portfolio reflection and portfolio compilation
Frankenstein WS if time
Block 5: with sub
Papers returned
Portfolio reflection and portfolio compilation
Frankenstein WS if time

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