Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Block Day

Block Day
We started with Vocabulary Words and Definitions then moved on to Discus Tuesdays With Morrie. Concepts we are discussing include:

1. What were the warning signs that Morrie had that alerted him that something was wrong with his body/health?
2. When did MITCH first encounter death? How did the event change him?
3. Describe MITCH’s life (goals, activities, personality, etc.) in the first few years after he graduated from Brandeis?
4. Who is Ted Koppel and what is the TV Show Nightline?
What was MITCH doing in 1995 when the show was on TV?
5. Mitch was young for his grade. What did he do to “fit in”?
6. Explain the concept of “culture” in the story? (See the section
Taking Attendance)
7. Define COMPASSION. How is it missed in today’s society?
8. Morrie taught his students they mattered…how? Why?
9. There is an obsession with youth in today’s culture. What
does MORRIE mean by this?
10. Death ends a life, not a relationship. What does this mean to
MORRIE? What does this mean to you?
11. Morrie learned to live as he learned to die. What does this
12. What lesson do YOU take from this book?

Literary Concepts
CHARACTERS…classify according to: Dynamic Round, Dynamic Flat,Static Round, Static Flat

Friday Quiz on Vocabulary Lesson 1

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