Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3, 2011

Block 1: Death Penalty Debate based on Upfront Magazine 4-18-11

Blocks 3 and 4: Lou Duns
t (Holocaust Survivor) as guest speaker. Read a story about him in the LA Times (March 6, 2006)

Sign on San Diego story about Lou.

Lou Dunst's Story: When Lou Dunst was a teenager, imprisoned in a series of Nazi concentration camps, he begged God: “Please let me live – if for nothing else than to tell my story.” Dunst did survive the war. His is a gripping tale, full of heartache and suspense.

Born in 1926, Lou was only fourteen years old when all Jewish males in Jasina, Czechoslovakia 14 years and older were taken as slave labor. He was transported in boxcars to various concentration camps over time.

On the morning of May 6, 1945, Dunst was literally at death's door. A 19-year-old Ukrainian Jew in a Nazi concentration camp in Austria, he had crawled onto a pile of corpses outside the crematorium to perish. But that afternoon, General Patton's Third Army drove liberated Dunst and the rest of Ebensee's 18,000 prisoners. (Courtesy of Chabad of Downtown)

BLOCK DAY: Meet in the library to work on your RESUME

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