Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday March 31st

Today we looked at VOICE of VERBS in Writers Choice (pages 596-597). We corrected the exercise on page 596.

We discussed upcoming assignments between now and the end of April. Dates were written in our planners.

We continued Friday's Frankenstein conversation re: elemental principles of human nature

Tonight ...upload paper to rubric to class tomorrow (1314ArgumentativePaper) on papers page of class website

Friday...Frankenstein Project and Test

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Friday 3-27-14

Today we corrected WC pages 699-700

Papers were returned

Next Week:

Final Draft of Paper uploaded to by 11:59 PM Monday 3-31-14
Rubric brought to class Tuesday 4-1-14

Frankenstein Test and Project due Friday 4-4-14

We started to discuss "elementary principles of human nature" in Frankenstein through the following:

The author said the novel was a study in human nature. What do we learn about human nature from....
Henry Clerval
The Creature
The Blind (DeLacy)Man
DeLacy family

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Our Next Book...IN MY HANDS...Assignment...

Read In My Hands and complete the assignment below. It is due NO LATER THAN FRIDAY 4-18-14 11:59 PM.

In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer by Irene Gut Opdyke

Responses MUST be answered in ESSAY format. Underline your thesis.

Your responses MUST include COW…in the form of in-text citations (quotes, page #’s, etc.). MLA format is necessary!

Type your essay in the body of this document. Upload the response to
Your grade will be reduced by 10% each day late.

Due NO LATER than Friday 4-18-14 11:59 PM

+ _________/ 10 Body paragraph 1 thorough, includes generous COW in MLA format
+ ________/ 10 Body paragraph 2 thorough, includes generous COW in MLA format
+ ________/ 10 Body paragraph 3 thorough, includes generous COW in MLA format
+ ________/ 10 Body paragraph 4 thorough, includes generous COW in MLA format
+ ________/10 Proper Grammar, Spelling, and Mechanics used, Response in Essay Format, Thesis underlined, and Word Count listed at end of essay

Essay #1: In an essay of approximately 750-1,000 words, respond to the following prompt:

Irene’s Catholic faith was challenged during World War II. Analyze 4 people she met that had the biggest influence upon her faith.

Essay #2: In an essay of approximately 750-1,000 words, respond to the following prompt:

Irene was a courageous young woman who compromised her principles and risked her life to save others. Analyze 4 key decisions Irene made that demonstrated her courage.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Block Day

Papers were returned

We completed and corrected Writer's Choice pages 697-698
Homework due Friday 699-700

We discussed Frankenstein:
Victor's childhood, parents, Elizabeth's entrance into the family ... and connected the dots with actions later in teh story. Our focus was pages 18-20, 23 (parts of Chapters 1 and 2)

We took the Frankenstein Quiz Chapters 11-20

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


due tonight...Frankenstein Essay

1 is required
a second is a bonus

The file that you wish to be considered a bonus, please title BONUS

Frankenstein Test/Project .... Friday April 4th

Project Document Titled 1314FrankensteinProject on Frankenstein Page of Class Website

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday 3-21-14

Today we did not have time in block 2 to take the Vocabulary Test on lessons 10-12 as Mass ran long. The test will be Monday.

Block 2 corrected WC pages 692-693

Blocks 4-5-6- corrected WC pages 692-693, Vocab pages 147-150 and read the Upfront Magazine dated 2-24-14.

Paper Draft uploaded to by 11:59 PM on Saturday 3-22
Peer Edit due by 11:59 Monday 3-24-14
Frankenstein WS - last one- chapters 15-end DUE MONDAY 3-24-14

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Frankenstein...on AUDIOBOOK

perhaps this is an extra study tool...

Block Day

Today in class I will pass back papers and we will complete and correct Writers Choice Pages 690-691.

We will have a BINGO BONUS OPPORTUNITY ... Vocabulary TEST Lessons 10-12 is Friday.

We will discuss Frankenstein...the story as well as Romanticism, Gothic, and Science Friction "categories" for Frankenstein.

The last 30 minutes of class we will take the Frankenstein Quiz covering Chapters 1-10.

AFTER THE Quiz...due Friday
Vocabulary Book pages 147-150
Writers Choice pages 692-693

Tie Day Friday
Paper Draft due uploaded to by 11:59 PM Saturday 3-22-14
Peer Review due Monday 11:59 PM 3-24-14

Upcoming Frankenstein:
Monday 3-24 WS Chapters 21-end
Tuesday 3-25 Frankenstein Essay (second is BONUS) due uploaded to by 11:59 PM
Block Day 3-26/27 Frankenstein Quiz 11-20

Argumentative Paper Draft

If you wish me to look at your paper draft ... at any stage of development from outline to revisions prior to submitting the final draft...

I will be available at lunch every day from TODAY until the paper is due.

Find me in the classroom on Tuesday-Friday. On Monday find me out by the upper field where I will be on duty.

Your paper will be peer-edited by a classmate...this is your opportunity for ME to look over it with you. Do not wait till the last minute, if everyone stops by at the last minute, I may not get to help you.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday 3-18-14

Today we worked on rough drafts in the library and we corrected vocabulary book pages 141-142.. The counselors passed back PLAN results.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday 3-17-14

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

In class we corrected WC page 698

In class we completed and corrected Vocabulary Book page 144 (Homework pages 141-142)

A WS for the Argumentative PPR was given out - due Tuesday.

We discussed Romanticism, Gothic, and Science-Fiction Elements of Frankenstein.

Papers were returned.

Frankenstein Quiz (1-10) block day
Frankenstein WS 15-20 due Block day

Vocabulary TEST 10-12 Friday 3-31

PPR rough Draft Uploaded to by 11:59 PM Saturday 3-22-14

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday 3-14-14

Today we took the vocabulary quiz for lesson 11 (11-20) and 12

ARS were turned in, graded, and returned

Chapters 6-10 WS was turned in today as well.

After the quiz...

Read Writers Choice page 687-698. Complete Exercise 1 page 689
Frankenstein Chapters 11-14 WS due Monday
READ articles you put on ARS...we start the rough draft in class on Tuesday

Due next week:
Block Day:
Frankenstein Ch. 15-20 WS
Frankenstein Quiz...Chapters 1-10

Friday ... TIE DAY/MASS ... Vocabulary TEST Lessons 10-12
Paper Rough Draft uploaded to by 3-22-14 11:59 PM

Monday 3-24
Peer Edit via due by 11:59 PM
Frankenstein WS 21-end due in class

Tuesday 3-25
Frankenstein essay due uploaded to by 11:59 PM

Block Day 3/26 and 3/27 Frankenstein Quiz Chapters 11-20

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Block Day March 12 and 13

Papers were passed back at the beginning of class while students turned in Frankenstein Chapters 1-5 WS.

There was time to complete and correct:

Vocabulary Book pages 130, 136
Writers Choice book page 666-667 exercise 8 evens and exercise 9 odds

The rest of the class we completed our discussion of the Preface/Letters and started to discuss Characterization

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday March 11th

Today we worked on the ARS in the library. If you did not complete your 5 MUST be turned in by the end of the week.

Those that completed Vocabulary Book pages 134-135 had an opportunity to correct the assignment and go over the words.

Announcement Today...SPIRIT DRESS tomorrow


Monday, March 10, 2014

March Stage of Life Writing Contest Bonus


*** need to turn in all of your work on time to be able to earn bonus points. Bonus work is over and above the minimum required.

Stage of Life has MONTHLY writing contests

Visit to find out more about this month's topic, Mental Health/Mental Illness.

IF you submit an entry to the contest, email me a copy of the submission and a screen shot of the submission and/or digital receipt it was sent.

The deadlines are posted online. This month's is 3-31-14

Vocabulary Quiz 10 + 11 (1-10) and Macbeth .... Make-up Quiz/Test

Wednesday 3-12-14 7 AM

Monday 3-10-14

After the MACBETH test:
Complete Vocabulary Book pages 134-135 and Read Frankenstein...Assignment #1 due Block Day this week

Reminder...library research time on Tuesday...ARS due in class Tuesday or by the end of the week

Schedule Reminders...
TIE DAY both Tuesday AND Friday this week

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Block Day March 5-6

We completed and corrected Vocabulary Book pages 122 and 129 (Choosing the Right Word Lessons 10 and 11)

Students gave me their Argumentative Paper Topics

We finished discussing Macbeth Essential Questions and Started Discussing Frankenstein.

Frankenstein Concepts covered:
Story within a story within a story format
Main Characters share concept of feeling ALONE...find evidence as you read
Author's intention was to "preserve the truth of the elementary principles of human nature" ... find evidence as you read
Romantic Quest
Walton's Romantic Quest

Monday, March 3, 2014

Argumentative Research Paper

Each Tuesday in March we will be in the library to work on research for our Argumentative Research Paper. The details/rubric are on SOTW and the class website. (Titled 1314ArgumentativePaper)

Read through the instructions, write down deadlines in your planner, follow the links to look at sample topics...or write down a few topics of your own. NO TWO people will research the same topic. Pick a topic/create a topic that is of interest to you!

Due Dates:
1. Topic needs to be chosen and approved by me by BLOCK DAY March 5/6.
2. Annotated Resource Set due at the end of class Tuesday 3/11 … or by the end of the week. (ARS template on class website...papers page)You will add five entries to page 2 of the template
3. Rough Draft uploaded to by 3/22/14 at 11:59 PM
4. Peer Review ONE peer’s paper on by Monday 3/24/14 at 11:59 PM
5. Final Draft due, uploaded to by Monday 3/31/14 at 11:59 PM

Monday March 3rd

Today the Vocabulary Story (Lessons 10-12) was collected.

In class we completed and corrected Synonyms and Antonyms for lessons 10 and 11 (pages 121 and 128)

We discussed Macbeth essential Questions

POETRY Quiz was cancelled...will cover Shakespeare sonnets with THE TEMPEST.

Meet in the library tomorrow. Homework tonight: Read Argumentative Research paper assignment prepared to START working in the library tomorrow.

REMINDER: VOCABULARY QUIZ 10 and 11(1-10) Friday
Macbeth TEST ... Multiple Choice + Essay on Monday 3-10-14