Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week of November 3rd

This week we'll do small group activities the days of retreat. We'll make changes to the vocabulary tests (answer key was incorrect) and also start a new vocabulary lesson.

Bring to class all week BNW, vocabulary book and Survival in Auschwitz.
(Wednesday we are scheduled for a library orientation - meet in class then head to the library.)

Friday we'll have a quiz on vocabulary lesson 9 and have a grammar quiz on verb phrases.

Paper drafts will be returned. Some drafts have a date for a second submission - those must be turned in to me along with the first draft on given due date. Some drafts have tutoring written on them. Students who did not have a clear thesis are required to attend the English Department tutoring one day this week to get peer assistance (Room 323). Tutoring times are T-W-Th 7-7:30 and Th 2-3 pm. Students MUST bring back drafts to me after they meet with peer tutors so that I can review them prior to the final draft being turned in. Deadline for meeting with peer tutors and bringing draft to me: November 14th.


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